The Danesfield Approach 

What makes Danesfield Manor different?

At our school children receive an education which combines traditional learning with a modern curriculum. We believe that the ‘hidden curriculum' - the implicit teaching that develops a child’s confidence and self esteem - is vital.

Aims, Purpose and Mission


  • To provide a broad, relevant education based on National Curriculum guidelines preparing pupils for the next step in their learning experience, i.e. Foundation Stage to Key Stage 1, Key Stage 1 to 2, Key Stage 2 to 3 – independent or maintained sector.
  • To provide a richly stimulating learning environment.
  • To foster a learning community which promotes independent learning where all members of the school are actively engaged in developing lively, enquiring minds and a love of learning.
  • To provide a welcoming, caring and safe environment, where children can develop self–respect, a sense of individual worth and are able to cooperate with and show consideration to others.
  • To develop links with the home, involving families in the life of the school and the education of the pupils.


The purpose of our school development plan is to:

  • Provide a shared vision for our school community, to enable the school to move forward in providing the highest possible education standards for our children
  • Ensure available resources are used in a systematic and structured way to further progress and attainment
  • Identify training requirements for all personnel, linked to individual and whole school development
  • Enable self-evaluation and review, leading to the setting of future targets
  • Our School Development Plan has been drawn up through a process of consultation and evaluation involving the Inspired Learning Group (ILG), the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), Staff (teaching and non-teaching), Pupils and Parents.


Our mission is to educate, to provide experiences in order to help our pupils to excel. We hold education and growth mindset at our core, supporting and nurturing our pupils as they begin their journey through learning and self-discovery.

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Our Motto

The school’s motto, ‘non progredi est regredi’, means ‘not to go forward is to go backwards’. It is our aim that all children at our school will be motivated, enquiring and enthusiastic to learn and achieve.

We hold education and growth mindset at our core, supporting and nurturing our pupils as they begin their journey through learning and self-discovery.

Our Values

Each month we focus on a value which is shared through assembly and in our curriculum. We encourage everyone to model the behaviour of our values in and out of school.

The values we explore at Danesfield on a two-year cycle are: Aspire, Rule of Law, Happiness and Enjoyment, Love, Cooperation, Freedom, Care and Compassion, Democracy, Excellence, Respect, Giving, Tolerance, Friendship, Belonging, Responsibility, Trust and Honesty.

Our Approach

We follow Dr. Carol Dweck's approach, on Growth Mindset, who is a researcher at Stanford University.

"In a fixed mindset pupils believe their basic abilities, their intelligence, their talents are just fixed traits. In a growth mindset, pupils understand that their talents and abilities can be developed through effort, great teaching and persistence." Carol Dweck, Stanford University

Our pupils learn to tackle challenges using our Growth Mindset approach; their resilience becomes stronger and their ability to cope with real life situations is another important part of our teaching and learning. With determination and respect, our pupils will go on to shape the world!